When you are just starting with a small business, it’s essential that you know all the basics about small business computer network installation. Computer network installations for a small business is not the same as configuring a standard domestic network because business networks need to consider security, privacy, redundancy, and reliability.
Figuring out exactly how you should set up your computer networks for small business will ultimately come down to the nature of your business. This article will act as a preliminary guide to teach you how to think about designing your computer networks from multiple approaches, including hardware, software, security and more.

Small Business Computer Network Installation
The Necessary Questions to Ask Before Installing a Business Network
During the outset of your business venture you’ll need to figure out how you want your business to operate. Then you’ll be able to decide on the kind of computer network that will best complement your small business.
Amount of Devices
First, think about how many staff members your small business will have and how many devices each member will be using and have access to. One general rule of thumb is that each staff member will probably have a desktop computer, a personal device such as a smartphone or laptop and so-on. If you plan on incorporating other technology such as wireless printers or wireless scanners, you will need to take them into consideration when setting up your computer networks.
What Type of Growth is Expected?
Next you should think about how fast you expect your small business to grow. You will want your computer networks for small business to be easily scalable should your business take off and require more employees and more hardware. Don’t forget to take things such as video streaming and conference calls into consideration.

If your small business is only going to have a handful of employees or even just be operated solely by you then you may benefit from settling for a small domestic network at first. You can always upgrade to a more complex computer network down the line should you ever require hiring more staff.
Local Area Network
When connecting multiple devices for your computer networks for small business, a LAN is going to act as the nucleus of your whole setup. LAN stands for Local Area Network and will be your main way of connecting your devices, servers and routers together.
Wireless Or Wired LAN?
When it comes to LANs you have two options: wired and wireless. Each one has its pros and cons.
Wired LAN
Wired LANs have more stable connections and faster upload and download speeds. They are also cheaper to setup but the cables of course mean that you will be more limited in where you can place your hardware equipment.
Wireless LAN
Wireless LANs are a bit pricier and are a bit more prone to dropped connections but they have excellent flexibility.
For small businesses we recommend going for wired LAN setups at least for the beginning. Not only are they easier on the wallet but odds are you won’t really need the benefit of wireless connectivity as small businesses usually have small areas to work with.

Safety, Privacy and Security
There is basically no point in setting up a computer network for small business if it has zero fortifications. This is why it is absolutely essential to protect your business’ network with the proper software. There are many tools to keep in mind when setting up your computer network, and all of them should be considered essential to your small business computer network installation.
Virtual Private Network
For one thing, you should heavily consider setting up a VPN on your computer network for small business. VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. They’re excellent if you are working with remote employees so that they can access the business network from a secure channel. When your business network is protected by a VPN, it will be safeguarded from unwanted hackers thanks to the masked IP addresses and layers of security encryption these tools provide.
Website Filtering
If you are working with multiple employees, you should also consider integrating some content filtering tools into your computer network. This will help prevent employees from wasting time on the job by browsing websites for entertainment or leisure. In more severe cases, it can also prevent any employees from doing anything illegal should such a situation ever occur.

Private Messaging System
If your small business is dealing with sensitive or private data then consider setting up a private email or instant messaging system. That way all aforementioned messages will be privately stored on your business’ server and will not be stored on public email services like Gmail or Hotmail. As a result your employees will only ever be able to access these messages when they are connected to the private server, adding yet another layer of security to your business.
Additional Computer Network Security Options
Additionally, you can look at integrating special login methods and anti-malware software. That way only your employees will know how to access your computer network and the anti-malware will act as an extra layer of defense in the event of a virus attack.
Contact OneTouchServices
Small Business Computer Network Installation Professionals
OneTouchServices has a lot of experience helping small businesses get off the ground. We can help with consultations by providing you expert advice on security, various IT solutions, figuring out what kind of technology your small business needs in order to thrive in the long run, and much more. If you searching for a small business network installation, look no further. Contact us for your business network installation needs today!